The Together Project CIO

Songs & Smiles Group Recruitment, Training and Support Policy

Policy last reviewed: October 2019

Registered charity number 1192175

This procedure applies to all Group Leaders at our Songs & Smiles sessions.

The purpose of this procedure is:

  • to ensure that every Group Leader is fully aware of their roles and responsibilities

  • to give Group Leaders the support and guidance they need to feel fully confident in their role

  • to ensure The Together Project follows best industry practice

This procedure should be read alongside our policies and procedures on:

  • code of conduct

  • risk management

  • safeguarding

  • complaints and allegations


The Together Project’s Group Leader recruitment procedure is as follows:

  1. The candidate fills in an application form and submits an introductory video

  2. The Together Project reviews the submissions and invites shortlisted candidates for a phone interview

  3. The candidate attends a Songs & Smiles session and meets a representative from The Together Project in person to discuss the role further

  4. If The Together Project and the candidate both feel the role would be a good fit, the candidate is given training materials (including a video and handbook) and invited to attend additional Songs & Smiles sessions in preparation for an audition

  5. The candidate auditions at a Songs & Smiles session and is assessed against a number of scoring criteria

The Together Project takes up two independent references

  1. If the audition is passed, the candidate is accepted as a Group Leader, subject to The Together Project receiving two positive references

  2. The Group Leader completes an online training session covering The Together Project’s aims, ethos and policies, as well as a Dementia Friends Information Session (if they are not already a Dementia Friend)

  3. The Group Leader receives their Songs & Smiles placements


Every Songs & Smiles Group Leader will complete an online training session. This session will include:

  • the ethos and aims of The Together Project

  • the benefits of Songs & Smiles for our service users and communities

  • dealing with situations that may occur

  • the most important points from our policies and procedures

Group Leaders will also receive a Dementia Friends Information Session, either in-person or online (at the choice of the Group Leader). The content of this session is entirely set by the Alzheimer’s Society and cannot be amended or adapted by The Together Project. It sits as a complementary element to our own training to help our Group Leaders better understand the challenges that some of our service users may face and how best to support them.

We collect Group Leader feedback on the effectiveness of the training and use this to identify any gaps and improve future sessions.


All Group Leaders will be assigned a Manager who will be their primary point of contact. The manager will:

  • manage the Group Leader’s holiday and absence periods

  • answer questions and provide guidance

  • respond to any concerns or allegations raised

  • keep the Group Leader informed of updates to policies, procedures, training opportunities etc

  • provide ongoing support as required on an individual basis

We are committed to reviewing our policy and good practice annually.