Songs & Smiles

Music, fun and friendship

Equal parts communal playdate, all-ages singsong and intergenerational friendship group, Songs & Smiles tackles social isolation through human connection.

Designed for children aged 0-4, their parents/guardians and older people, this just might be the most heart-warming hour of your week.


What they’re saying

To see our residents so engaged and happy to be around the little ones is a privilege to witness.
— Lifestyles team, Banstead Manor Care Home
Heart-warming to watch my little one smile and put a smile on another person’s face.
— Jacqueline Ho, parent
The best thing I’ve been to since becoming a parent.
— Hazel, mum

Did you know?

  • 91% of parents/guardians agreed or strongly agreed that “Songs & Smiles brightens my week”

  • 100% of residents agreed or strongly agreed that “Songs & Smiles brightens my week”

  • 92% of parents/guardians agreed/strongly agreed that: “Songs & Smiles makes me feel more connected to my wider community”

What can you expect?

  • A selection of songs for voices of all ages

  • Instruments to develop coordination and participation

  • Snacks and refreshments

  • Dancing with coloured scarves

  • The timeless magic of bubbles

  • Time to chat at the end

What does it cost?

Songs & Smiles is free to attend! But it wouldn’t be possible without donations from people like you. Big or small, we ask you to donate what you can. Every contribution allows us to keep bringing generations together and doing our bit to make our communities less lonely places.

The unexpected benefits of a song and dance

Although it’s only an hour long, Songs & Smiles packs in a remarkable amount of benefits. As well as reducing loneliness for parents/guardians and older people, the programme incorporates a growing body of research around child development. Bringing together singing, movement, social interaction and other stimuli (like bubbles!), Songs & Smiles is designed to develop rhythm and coordination, build confidence and stimulate the senses in a way that promotes healthy development in our little humans.


Care homes or retirement settings


Work for a care home or retirement setting and interested in bringing Songs & Smiles to your residents?

For more information and available funding options please fill out this form and we’ll be in touch.


Crafting Connections