The Together Project CIO

Risk Management policy

Policy last reviewed: May 2022

Registered charity number 1192175


Due to COVID-19 and enhanced safety precautions within care homes, we are trialling different activities to continue making intergenerational connections. This may include moving to online activities. A specific set of protocols will be issued for each activity, with more in-depth guidelines depending on the circumstances.


A risk assessment is carried out in partnership with each care home or assisted living scheme before an event/activity begins. A risk assessment will also be carried out on behalf of participants outside of the care home setting e.g. parents/guardians, schools and nurseries participating in new activities.

This assessment details:

  • What is the risk or hazard?

  • Who might be harmed and how?

  • Likelihood if not mitigated (1-3)

  • Level of harm (1-3)

  • Action that will be taken to prevent this

  • Person/organisation responsible for managing this risk

Everyone working at The Together Project is given a copy of this risk assessment and is required to agree to its terms.