The Together Project CIO

Code of Conduct Policy

Policy last reviewed: May 2022

Registered charity number 1192175

Code of Conduct

This policy applies to all staff, contractors, trustees, volunteers and anyone working on behalf of The Together Project.

The purpose of this policy is:

  • to uphold the values on which The Together Project was founded

  • to clearly set out the standards expected of us all

  • to protect the children and vulnerable adults that we work with

As an adult working or volunteering with The Together Project, you have a responsibility to ensure that everyone attending our events, particularly children and vulnerable adults, is protected from harm. It is the responsibility of each adult working or volunteering at The Together Project to ensure that:

  • their behaviour is appropriate at all times

  • they observe the rules established for the safety of everyone attending the event/activity

  • they follow the procedures regarding safeguarding and raising concerns

  • they recognise the position of trust in which they have been placed

  • the relationships they form with everyone involved in The Together Project, particularly children and vulnerable adults, are appropriate

Everyone who works at The Together Project must accept and understand this Code, promoting the safety and welfare of children and vulnerable adults at all times.


This policy should be read alongside our policies and procedures on:

  • risk management

  • health and safety

  • safeguarding

  • grievances

  • dignity and diversity


To give positive guidance we have provided a list of ‘Do’s and Don’ts’ to help you ensure that:

  • the welfare of the children and vulnerable adults you come into contact with is safeguarded

  • you uphold the values of The Together Project

  • you avoid compromising situations or opportunities for misunderstandings or allegations

DO positively represent The Together Project’s aims of boosting wellbeing, reducing loneliness and fostering stronger, happier communities

DO treat everybody with dignity and respect, regardless of age, gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation and physical ability

DO be compassionate towards the challenges that residents of the care home/assisted living scheme may face, particularly those with a disability or a condition such as dementia

DO ensure your behaviour and interactions with residents are sensitive to their individual needs. Allow each of them to decide if, when and how they will participate

DO strive to make the event/activity a welcoming and enjoyable experience for all, particularly as a care home/assisted living scheme may be an unfamiliar environment for some of the children and parents/guardians

DO treat care home/assisted living scheme staff with respect at all times and follow all reasonable guidance they give you

DO follow health and safety guidelines from your handbook at all times. Be mindful of the risks that can be present when active young children and older people with physical impairments are brought together and familiarise yourself with your responsibilities in the risk assessment

DO let each parent/guardian and resident jointly take the lead on interactions. It is up to them whether and how each child and resident engages in conversation, play or physical interaction – never try to force this

DO to be punctual for every event/activity, allowing enough time for set-up

DO keep The Together Project well-informed about holidays, sickness or other absences, giving as much notice as possible

DO take any allegations or suggestion of abuse or inappropriate behaviour seriously and report immediately

DO ensure personal details, such as parent/guardian email addresses are kept confidential and are processed as per instructions in your Handbook

DON’T engage in inappropriate behaviour or contact – physical, verbal or sexual

DON’T use inappropriate language – verbal or written

DON’T share your personal contact details with the care home residents/assisted living scheme or parents or arrange meet-ups or other contact outside The Together Project’s events/activities

DON’T give gifts to, or accept gifts from, any of the children or residents. Whilst this may seem like a lovely gesture, it can lead to misunderstandings or the potential for allegations of abuse.

DON’T put yourself in a position where you are alone with a resident or a child. This could lead to misunderstandings and the possibility of allegations

DON’T take photos or videos of children, parents/guardians, staff or residents without prior written permission. You should always consult with your The Together Project manager before doing so. Do not take photos/videos for your own private use or to share on social media

DON’T take on tasks that are outside your role description, such as helping residents with trips to the bathroom. Even seemingly small ‘favours’, such as getting them a biscuit, can be problematic: for example, the resident may have an allergy, dietary requirement or physical condition that means a biscuit is not appropriate.

The Together Project strives to be an ethical company that puts the needs of its staff, contractors, volunteers, and service users first. As a charity, we are duty-bound to serve our community well, ensuring we always act in the public interest.

If a member of staff, contractor, trustee, volunteer or anyone working on behalf of The Together Project, does not uphold The Together Project’s policies and procedures, we may take disciplinary action.

We are committed to reviewing our policy and good practice annually.