What to expect at a Songs & Smiles session

From colourful scarves and shakers to bubble machines and action songs, there's plenty to stimulate the imagination and senses. Our sessions are informal and relaxed, they have been designed by specialists to make them engaging and interactive for the youngest through to the oldest members of the group.

The 60 minute sessions will enable you to make some new friends, while singing some of our favourite songs.

Our mission is for everyone to come away smiling, and we mean everyone - tiny babies, on-the-go toddlers, parents and guardians, older residents, people living with dementia, care home staff and our volunteers - we all have a great time.

One of the many benefits of Songs & Smiles is that it opens up care homes and assisted living schemes to the community, allowing people who might not ordinarily come into contact to get to know each other.

For some, visiting these types of residences can be quite an unfamiliar activity. You might feel a little unsure of what to expect or how best to interact with the people you’ll meet. We hope our guide will help you to get the most out of your visit.


One thing to note, is that if you’re visiting Songs & Smiles in the winter, please bear in mind that the heating in care homes is generally up quite high. You may wish to dress your little one (and yourself!) in layers so you can adjust accordingly.

Hope to see you soon!


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