“It makes me so happy and proud to be part of this group”
When the benefits of intergenerational activities are discussed, the emphasis is often placed on outcomes for the older participants. But at Songs & Smiles we know that all three generations involved gain a huge amount – children, their parents/guardians and the care home residents.
We collected impact statements from some of the parents and guardians who attend our groups to learn more about what they feel these benefits are, for themselves and for their little ones. We were delighted to see that they are numerous, profound and – in some cases – life-changing.
They include:
Positive impact on mental health for mothers living with post-natal depression, due to a sense of participation and inclusion
Increased sense of engagement with - and being a valued member of - the local community
Improvements in language development for young children through singing and socialising
Improvements in fine motor skills for young children through playing instruments
Building confidence in young children when around older adults and allowing them to form positive bonds with a generation they might not otherwise regularly meet, thereby laying good foundations for later life
Promoting social development through care and compassion to others
Patricia, Yasmin and baby Ida at Songs & Smiles in Albany Nursing Home, Leyton
Here are just a few excerpts from testimonials that we’ve been given permission to share:
We want to expand Songs & Smiles across as many local communities as possible.
If you believe in the power of our work to change lives, please consider donating to us.
We’d be incredibly grateful for any amount you’re able to give, whether as a one-off payment or monthly donation.
Thank you.